3718 N. Wilton Ave Chicago, IL 60613
2014-2018 B.S. Computational and Applied Mathematics, University of Chicago
Data Analyst at Hyatt Hotels Corporation (November 2018 - Present)
Automated mobile text data collection and cleaning (urllib, requests), as well as ad-hoc reporting with a Dash app
Trained and deployed production quality machine learning models using scikit-learn and AWS, including:
Undergraduate Math & Statistics Tutor at Chegg (June 2018 - December 2018)
Created 50+ educational videos for courses in Applied Statistics, Probability, and Linear Algebra/Differential Equations.
Data Analyst Intern at Lumere (May 2017 - January 2018)
Programmed a generalizable R script to synthesis and clean unstrunctured Electronic Health Record data
Implemented an improved, scalable data mining algorithm to find association patterns and likely diagnoses in pharmaceutical orders
Software/Programming : Python (numpy, pandas, sklearn, tensorflow), R (dplyr, tidyverse, ggplot2), SQL, C, MATLAB, git/version control
Cloud Computing: AWS (redshift, S3, EC2, SageMaker, lambda)